Whether your intentions are to increase muscle size or strength, the best training split for you is actually no split at all. Full body workouts are the top tier and logical choice for anybody looking for “quick” gains in muscle size and strength.

The simple fact of the matter is that the more muscle you can activate during a workout the greater growth stimulation you’ll receive.

I invite you to take 3 compound exercises such as any mentioned on the list below. Choose an upper body pull, an upper body push and a compound lower extremity exercise.

Stick with about five or six sets of 3-6 reps with 60 seconds and no more then 90 seconds of rest between sets. Some exercises can be done for slightly higher reps but not the big barbell lifts.

I normally wouldn’t recommend my clients perform an exercise that requires maximal tension or has a significant risk factor involved be done for more than six to eight reps(most times no more than 6 reps).

It’s important to understand that I am not married to any particular philosophy or paradigm in regard to any training routine or program. I’m simply offering my perspective. I don’t care about what you or anybody else chooses to do, that’s your business.

I do however, encourage you to consider what your goals are and to structure a feasible plan that’s going to get you there!

It’s important that you do understand that you have to pay attention to many of the training splits that you’ll find (in magazines for instance) and identify and potential problem areas.

For example, if you were to do shoulder exercises one day, doing chest exercises the next day would increase your risk for injury.

The reason is, the deltoids are going to be heavily impacted during both sets of exercises (as are the triceps – however the deltoids are more susceptible to injury).

If you’re dead set on utilizing a strength training split then be sure to incorporate full body movements. To begin the process of finding the best strength training split for you, you need to figure out your schedule.

If you’re doing a three day split, you’ll obviously need to hit all of your muscles during this time.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7676927